Spring Clean-up will be held on Saturday, May 25th. starting at 10.00am.
If you are a permanent lot holder, please clean your lot, preferably before hand, so all we have to do is pick up the compostable stuff. If you have a utility trailer it may be useful for taking the compostable garbage out to the field.
The more Members that attend, the faster we will be finished, so come on out and help.
If you have received a call, you will know we are doing a partial pot-luck lunch and you may have been asked to bring sandwiches or a small dessert type item. We will also have delicious home-made soup.
The long-range weather forecast is for a beautiful warm spring day, so come out and enjoy, (as well as do some work)
If you need assistance with your lot, call one of the Board Members and we will make sure you get some help.
President - Phill Barnes, 705 8488767
Vice President - Gwynne Corbin, 705 2082699
Treasurer - Shauna Caron, 705 4801040
Park Manager - Bob Thompson, 705 2611959
Maintenance Manager - Carl Corbin, 705 2082699
Secretary - Jacqueline Horton, 704 4619358
Social Convener - Nancy Phipps, 705 5782762