Spring clean-up was accomplished in record time with about 35 Members coming out to help. A little wet at first, but the showers left and a mist came down and covered the lake. Thanks to all for the work and also for the excellent lunch, home-made soups and lots of sandwiches and goodies.
Now that we will be inhabiting the Park for the remaining spring and Summer, it is time to think about fire safety.
If you are a lot holder, it is your responsibility to ensure that any fire on your lot is confined in a proper fire pit and a reasonable size. Think of your neighbour with regard to where the smoke is heading.
Never leave a fire unattended, make sure you are there at all times to attend to the fire. Do not light it and then wander off on a hike or even a walk around the Park.
Make sure it is well soaked and completely out if you are leaving the Park, retiring for the night, going to the barbecue, going out in your boat or any other pursuit that will leave it unattended.
If you have a fire on the beach, confine it to the fire pit and follow all the rules above with regard to its care.
Remember, it is your responsibility to manage your fire properly, not only for your own safety, but also the safety of those around you.
Remember, it is your responsibility to manage your fire properly, not only for your own safety, but also the safety of those around you.