Friday, May 31, 2019

Fire Safety

Spring clean-up was accomplished in record time with about 35 Members coming out to help. A little wet at first, but the showers left and a mist came down and covered the lake. Thanks to all for the work and also for the excellent lunch, home-made soups and lots of sandwiches and goodies. 

Now that we will be inhabiting the Park for the remaining spring and Summer, it is time to think about fire safety.

If you are a lot holder, it is your responsibility to ensure that any fire on your lot is confined in a proper fire pit and a reasonable size. Think of your neighbour with regard to where the smoke is heading.
Never leave a fire unattended, make sure you are there at all times to attend to the fire. Do not light it and then wander off on a hike or even a walk around the Park.
Make sure it is well soaked and completely out if you are leaving the Park, retiring for the night, going to the barbecue, going out in your boat or any other pursuit that will leave it unattended.

If you have a fire on the beach, confine it to the fire pit and follow all the rules above with regard to its care.

Remember, it is your responsibility to manage your fire properly, not only for your own safety, but also the safety of those around you.  

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Spring Clean-up

Spring clean-up is still on. The showers are supposed to end this morning.
Come out and help, lunch may be a little later, but we'll all be hungry.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Spring Clean-up

Spring Clean-up will be held on Saturday, May 25th. starting at 10.00am.
If you are a permanent lot holder, please clean your lot, preferably before hand, so all we have to do is pick up the compostable stuff. If you have a utility trailer it may be useful for taking the compostable garbage out to the field. 
The more Members that attend, the faster we will be finished, so come on out and help.
If you have received a call, you will know we are doing a partial pot-luck lunch and you may have been asked to bring sandwiches or a small dessert type item. We will also have delicious home-made soup.
The long-range weather forecast is for a beautiful warm spring day, so come out and enjoy, (as well as do some work)
If you need assistance with your lot, call one of the Board Members and we will make sure you get some help.

President - Phill Barnes, 705 8488767
Vice President - Gwynne Corbin, 705 2082699
Treasurer - Shauna Caron, 705 4801040
Park Manager - Bob Thompson, 705 2611959
Maintenance Manager - Carl Corbin, 705 2082699
Secretary - Jacqueline Horton, 704 4619358
Social Convener - Nancy Phipps, 705 5782762

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Oct. 2018 meeting minutes

Mintues of General Meeting Oct. 2018

  • Treasurers report: 86 Members. 41 Lot Holders, 45 Day Members. Year-end surplus funds should be in the area of $650.
  • V.Presidents report. Docks out successfully with help of Liam Halligan and the students.
  • Park Managers report. Dead trees removed safely. Successful clean-up done with many members in record time.
  • P:ark Maintenance report. Will need to either repair or rebuild swim platform and 1 dock next year. Some repairs and maintenance required on the club house. Will need to replace canopies.
  • Functions. Very successful functions but may have problems with increasing membership in the future.
  • Mainly cost and amount of food & seating required,
  • Election of new Board:
  • Phill Barnes- President, Gwynne Corbin- Vice-President, Bob Thompson- Park Manager, Shauna Caron - Treasurer, Carl Corbin - Park Maintenance, Jacqueline Horton - Secretary, Nancy Phipps- Functions Manager.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Dates etc.


• Welcome and moment of silence for passed members, Diane Fields and John Tanner.
Welcome new members.
Minutes of previous meeting, Oct. 14th. 2019. 
Park overview - Phill Barnes, President

• Boats, canoes and docks-in schedule - Gwyne Corbin, Vice President

• Financial review - Shauna Caron, Treasurer

• Care of Park and facilities - Bob Thompson, Park Manager

• Roads, buildings and repairs. Carl Corbin, Maintenance Manager

• Functions. Nancy Phipps

• General business