Sunday, October 29, 2017

Fall Clean-up

Fall clean-up was successfully completed by about 40 members last Sat. 28th. Oct. We had 6 trailers being pulled around the Park with crews for each one picking up the leaves.
All was done by noon and we crowded into the pavilion for delicious chili, buns and salad and all kinds of goodies provided by Mary and her helpers. Thanks!
Thanks also to those providing trailers and ATV's, plus one truck, and to all for coming out - and - it didn't even rain!

Friday, October 13, 2017


Fall clean-up has been scheduled for 10am Saturday, 28th. October.
Please plan to attend, as the more Members that come out to help, the easier and quicker it will be completed. (Plus it's part of your agreement to help when you joined the Park.)

If you need help with your lot, call George at 705-578-2999 and let him know.

If you have a truck, trailer or ATV that can be used to move the leaves etc. please bring it.
The Club has some tools, but bring your leaf rake from home, if you have one.

Another incentive to come out - LUNCH WILL BE SERVED!

You should also receive a call from our Callers, but if you do not, and are planning to attend, please call Mary at 705-461-6165 or E Mail her at as she needs the numbers for lunch.