Thursday, December 20, 2018


Another year comes to a close and Christmas is a week away.

To all our Members and families, have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Park Clean-up

Park clean-up is scheduled to start at 10am on Saturday, 27th. October. Please plan to attend as the more people we have the easier and faster the job is completed.
We welcome box trailers, needed to remove the leaves, and please bring your rake to pile them up. If you have a permanent lot please clean it ahead of time,  or come a little earlier on Saturday. Rake the debris out to the nearest access road for pick-up.
Nancy is planning a chili and buns lunch and is asking everyone to bring a pot-luck dessert so we can all go home smiling, albeit a little "achy".

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

FREE Firewood

Hurry, hurry, hurry, get your free firewood at the Park!
On Thursday, 18th. Oct. at 10am. Bob will start cutting up the trees recently felled at the Park, mostly birch and poplar, and you can pick it up No Charge.
We do not want it lying around up there so come and get it before we truck it out!

Monday, October 15, 2018

General Meeting and Elections

The General Meeting was held, as scheduled, at 2.30pm. on Sunday, 14th. October at St. Peter's Anglican Church meeting room. Over 50 members attended.
Thank you to Gil and her helpers for the refreshments.
Prior to the elections, Board Members gave their reports on activities during the 2018 season.
The Club presently has 83 Members, 41 Regular and 43 Day and we will go into 2019 with a little over $300 in the bank,
Our expenses in 2018  actually were over our income, but the overage from 2017 left us in a positive position.
We will naturally have expenses in 2019. These include replacing the canopies over the picnic tables, a new swim platform and repairs to the docks. Thank you to the retiring Board of Directors and all those Members who came out and helped with Park maintenance and other areas during the season. 
Your new Board of Directors are:
President - Phill Barnes, reelected 
Vice President - Gwynne Corbin
Treasurer - Shauna Caron, reelected
Park Manager - Bob Thompson, reelected
Maintenance Manager - Carl Corbin, reelected
Secretary - Jacqueline Horton
Social Convener - Nancy Phipps, reelected
Thank you to the past Members of the Board from 2018 for their volunteer service.

Please put 10am.,Oct. 27th. on your calendar for the final clean-up at the Park. The more the faster we get the work done!


Saturday, October 13, 2018

General Meeting

Just a reminder, 

The General Meeting will convene at 2.30pm., Sunday, 14th. October in the basement meeting room of St. Peter's Anglican church at Hillside South and Roman Ave.
Refreshments will be provided.

Your Board will present a brief overview of 2018 and a view into 2019, followed by the elections of the new Board for 2019.

Please plan to attend.


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Flowers for the Park

Phil, it is the time of year, that in the garden, we split plants.
Is it possible for you to ask on the blog: any cuttings and plants that members may be removing from their gardens, could they please donate them to the Park. If members could put them in a plastic garbage bag, wet them, and drop them at my lot 12, I would appreciate it.
We have areas now started, that daisies, black eyed susans, hostas, and all creepers, would b welcome.
This has been an on-going project for me (and Carol) this summer. Appreciated. Wendy

Docks Out etc

We will be taking the docks out on schedule at 10am on Thursday, Sept. 27th. We will be helped by Liam Halligan and some of the young men from the Secondary School in Elliot Lake. 
Jack will be supervising and will need only a few extra helpers. 
Please only come to help if called by Jack. 

We will also be felling dead trees around the Park week of 22nd. Sept. and will be needing about 10
volunteers to remove the cut-up wood to a central location in the Park. Date will be announced shortly.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Board meeting Sept 6th

Your Board met on Sept. 6th. And had a full agenda as usual.

It has been a busy month and the Park is looking good with many of the maintenance jobs having been tackled or near completion. Several Members have been out helping with the various tasks that have to be done on a regular basis. Others also have said they will be out to help with jobs on the list, thanks.

At the last Board meeting, in August, it was mentioned the Board had a discussion re making the time in office for future Boards be 2 years minimum rather than 1. The reason for this being that Board members are just getting into the job when new elections are called and a potentially a new group has to learn the ropes all over again. We will bring this up at the General Meeting in October as a motion.

We also had a discussion about the fast increase in membership. It is likely we will have 100 Members by the end of the year. Our Mission Statement offers Park Membership to all qualifying residents of Elliot Lake, so we would not suggest we cut off new Member applications, but would suggest we institute a wait list for new Members at a maximum of 85. Reason for this is mainly logistics when it comes to our 3 main functions. Not only do we have problems seating those attending, but also the food supply and time to ensure every one attending gets to the food is increasingly complex. We had 97 Members and guests attend the August function. We will discuss this at the General Meeting.

Future applicants for Membership must personally deliver their application to a Board Member. This is to ensure all relevant and correct information is acquired at the time and does not result in any misunderstanding in the future. The Board is also recommending that if an applicant for Membership is also requesting a permanent lot, they must be in possession of a trailer or camping equipment at the time they apply for the lot. This will be discussed at the General Meeting also.


Monday, September 10, 2018

Schedule for remainder of 2018

Here is the schedule of events leading to the end  of the Park's season for 2018.

  • Docks out, 10am. Thursday, Sept.  27th.
  • General meeting and elections, 2.30pm. Sunday, 14th. October, St. Peter's Anglican church.
  • Park clean-up, 10am. Saturday, 27th. October. 


Sunday, September 9, 2018

North-East LHIN

Greetings Phill, I just learned that the NorthEast Local Health Integration Unit ( North Bay head quarters for this big region is also the funder for ALL our local Health & Social services programs  )  They are  doing group sessions in all the communities to develop their strategic plan  for the next 3 years.
If you or any of QLSP members are interested in  participating in the one in Elliot Lake: there is no cost to register or attend.
Location: Civic Center Elliot Lake     50'ies room ,  capacity 25 people  ( 19 have now registered) 6 more are needed
Date:  Sept 21,  14:30-16:00 
To  Register :  Catherine Moyer  Phone: 1-866-906-5446  ext:5221
Kind Regards,  Susan Landmark

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Elections Notice

Notice below received from the nominating Committee regarding upcoming elections at the General Meeting to be held at St. Peter's church on Sunday, 14th. October at 2.30pm
If you are not familiar with the duties of each position, look it up in your copy of the by-laws.. 

To all Park members:
Once again, it is elections time and the Nominations Committee will be calling all members for names to fill the 7 'Members of the Board'  positions at the upcoming Annual General Meeting: (date to be posted later) 
Please consider the best person for the following positions: President, Vice Pres, Treasurer, Secretary, Social Convener, Park Manager and Park Maintenance. The people you choose will reflect the type of Park you want. 
Please Note:  Day Members are welcome to volunteer or nominate candidates. 

Our lease with Rio Algom requires our adherence to certain specific guidelines, therefore, each member elected must be:
 1) familiar with the Bylaws and Constitution of QLSP
 2) capable of fulfilling the duties of that position as outlined in the Bylaws
 3)willing to attend all meetings as required by the Board
Please think about this and be prepared to offer suggestions : ' This is Your Park: Let Your Voice Be Heard '

Regards: The Noms Committee: Marilyn Fraser, Gord Caron, Gwynne Corbin

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Work List

Our by-laws tell us that all our able-bodied Members must be involved in the maintenance of our Park and even specifies the amount of time each of us should be putting in to ensure this is done. Many Members do help and some do not. To help you put your hours in, the board has prepared a listing of tasks that have to be completed and we ask that you help by helping to complete these tasks. The list will be posted in the clubhouse and will be kept current as various maintenance becomes necessary or is completed. It is essential that we all help in maintaining the Park, not only so it looks good, but also for safety purposes and to ensure our landlord that we are caring for their property. 
Our tool shed is open most daytime hours and the equipment is available to all Members.



Add more gravel to existing bathroom walk ways

Add gravel to road way pot holes

Paint beach swing

Water seal new picnic tables

Paint back fence white

Reface or replace dump station sign

Clean rear exterior wall of washroom

Paint washroom ramp & shutters

Wash & clean swimming platform

Paint front gate red

Check with the Maintenance Manager
to assist with current projects


Remove weeds & sweep patio before functions

Wipe down picnic tables when needed

Help clean club house prior to events

Clean floor in the club house after functions

Deep clean club house barbeques

Rake up dead branches & twigs and place in trailer by the shed

Mow the park grass when needed

Wash down the counters & window ledges in the club house

Clean out the beach fire pit

Clear brush along entrance by front gate

Pick up debris from beach

Clean bathrooms when necessary NAME DATE

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Labour Day corn roast

Our Labour Day corn roast will be held on Sunday, Sept. 2nd. starting at 4.30pm. 
Menu this year will be corn on the cob and chicken. 
This is usually a members only function, but you will be allowed to bring out of town guests only. and the usual $5 per guest will be required.
Bring a potluck dish, main course or dessert. Bring your own service, cutlery etc.
If you did not receive a call informing you of the event, please call Nancy at 705 5782762 if you plan to attend. 
There will be games following the dinner, so have some fun and wear off the calories a little at the same time. 
See you there! 

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Board Meeting notes August 2018

Your Board met last week and had a busy agenda as usual. One thing that was decided, in the interest of transparency, we will share with the Membership what was discussed and any steps that we will take to solve issues arising in the Park.

Number 1 subject, as usual, seems to be adherence to the by-laws. Please ensure you are aware of the by-laws and remember, these were put in place when the Park was opened back in the mid 90's. They were not only for our guidance, but also requested by Rio Algom to ensure the Park would be properly managed and a tranquil place to camp as per our Mission Statement.
It is rare we have a major violation of the by-laws, but there are some common ones that are sometimes ignored i.e:
-Cutting of trees without obtaining permission from the Park Manager or a Board member.
-Dogs on the swim beach, We couldn't see a problem, incidently, if a member is carrying a small dog in that area as long as it is not allowed to run about there.
-Launching boats from the beach.

We have been in contact with David Hewitt, Property Manager forRio Algom and we have signed a renewal of our lease for the next 2 years.

We rely on Members to put time in at the Park helping with cleaning and maintenance. Please, do your bit, as written in the by-laws, to help this effort.

We will be looking for help with maintenance and repair of our buildings. Both the pavilion and toilets need repairs. We are also looking at replacing our existing lighting, particularly in the pavilion, with LED. Often the lights are left on by accidsent in the pavilion and toilets and this stresses the batteries resulting in early replacement. LED takes a lor less from the batteries, resulting in longer life and less cost.
We also need to replace a section of one of the docks that is rotting.

If you were on the Board and still have keys to the shed and toilet supplies, please return them to a Board Member as we seem to be constantly having to replace them,

There is no problem if you wish to invite guests to the Park for a social gathering, but please, if you are to use the Pavilion and/or barbecue put a notice on the door ahead of time and we will make sure the other barbeque is available for other Members,

We had discussion of other, more minor administrative items, and one that was suggested and will be brought up at a General Meeting was, should the Board be elected for a 2 year term instead of one year? It seems the positions are just being learned and a new Board is elected. For your thoughts.

Enjoy the Park, Phill

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Civic Holiday Celebration Sunday, Aug. 5th.

Your Club will be celebrating the Civic Holiday weekend with a lunch on Sunday, 5th. August starting at 1pm.
The Club will supply hamburgers and sausage.
Members will be asked to bring salads or desserts and these will be requested by our callers.
Bring your own service, plates, cutlery etc.
You may bring 2 guests and they will be charged $5 each. Please give the fee to Shauna.
If you have not had a call by Aug. 1st. please contact Nancy at 
578-2762 and she will tell you what to bring. She will also need to know that you are attending and if you are bringing guest(s)
Following lunch, games have been arranged, so come out and have some fun. Nothing too strenuous.
At 4pm. a wine and cheese Happy Hour is planned. Cheese will be supplied, bring your own wine.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Temporary Lot Rentals

There appears to be some confusion by Members wishing to rent the temporary lots A,B & C
See the bye-laws section 9 sub section 'e' referring to rentals by Day Members.
Although it says the temporary sites are rented on a weekly basis with a maximum of 2 weeks per stay, the only time the rental can be for 2 weeks is the first rental of the year. See line 3 for that detail.
After that, rental is by the week only and on a first come, first served basis.
If no one has requested a site that a Member is occupying by Thursday evening that Member can renew on that site for another week and so on.
If a Member requests an occupied site by no later than Thursday evening, it has to be vacated by the Member that is occupying it by Sunday morning at the latest.
To rent for guests or visitors, see Sec 9 (d) which is self explanatory.
If you have any questions about temporary lot rentals, contact your Treasurer, Shauna C.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Fire Danger

A word of warning about fire safety now that we have extremely dry conditions around the Park and several fires burning in the Province not too far from us.
A member noticed smoke rising from the fire pit on the beach a couple of days ago and, sure enough, it was smoldering under all the accumulated ash.
I don't know when the last fire was lit on the beach, but it was several days before and emphasizes the necessity of swamping the fire and ensuring it is completely soaked before leaving it.
Also, if you are a smoker, please make sure you take your butts with you, do not throw them on the ground assuming they are out.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Fire Ban effective immediately, July 5th. 2018

Our local Fire Dept has put a total ban on all open fires effective immediately.  This includes the Billeton property on which the Quirke Lake Senior's Park is located and is in effect until further notice.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Post Canada Day

Canada Day is now past us for another year and it was a great success at our Park. Lots to eat, great fruit punch and a crowd of over 65 people to enjoy the feast and great conversation.
We had planned some outdoor sports following dinner, but the heat zapped us all and most of us retired to the shade or headed home and in some cases, swimming or snoozing.
Thanks to Nancy, great imagination with the cupcake cake, plus all her helpers, and to the Members for the great pot luck dishes.

The Fire Dept. is showing Very High as the fire risk right now, so please take care at the Park, keep the sparks down and make sure the fire is soaked before leaving it.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Canada Day

The celebration of Canada Day at the Park on Sunday July 1st. will go ahead as planned, starting at 4.30pm.
Although the weather is cooperating, we will experience very high temperatures and you should take steps to avoid this affecting your health.
Please make sure you are keeping hydrated, in other words drink water or other liquids, other than alcohol, which should be used in moderation in high temperatures.
Stay in the shade and wear light clothing.
Avoid unnecessary strenuous activities. Lifting your knife and fork does not count as strenuous!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Canada Day Sunday, July 1st. 2018

Arrangements are in place for our annual celebration at the Park for Canada Day, Sunday, July 1st. 2018.
The event will start at 4.30pm.
Ham, buns and dessert will be supplied. As this will be a part-potluck event, you are asked to bring a salad OR a casserole type dish.
Also, don't forget to bring your cutlery and dishes.
You may bring 2 out-of-town guests, no charge, but please ensure you increase your potluck dish to cover them, ensuring we have enough food for all.
If you have not let Nancy know you and guests are attending, please call her at 705 5782762 so she adds you to the total. 
We are watching the weather and you will be informed of any changes in the arrangements if they become necessary.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Spring Clean-up

Thanks to all for coming out on 23rd. May. We completed the clean-up in record time and the park looks great.
Thanks to Nancy and her crew for the great lunch, it was delicious - home made soups were great, as was everything else. That blueberry cheesecake went quickly!

As we saw, the area is very dry right now and there are fire bans in place close to our district. I called our Fire Dept. today and the fire hazard is up to extreme. If a ban is put in place, it is posted by the Fire Dept. on our gate. In the meantime, if you have a fire, please be very careful, DO NOT leave it unattended and make sure it is out if before leaving the Park or going to bed. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Your new Management Board

Elections were held at the Spring Meeting May 6th. and here is your new Management Board

President - Phill Barnes   
Vice President - Jack Carroll
Treasurer - Shauna Caron
Secretary - Jacquie Kados
Park Manager - Bob Thompson
Park Maintenance - Carl Corbin
Social Director - Nancy Phipps

Friday, May 11, 2018

Spring Clean-up

Spring  Clean-up  will be held on Wednesday, 23rd. May  starting at 10am. Please clean your lot before that so the crews can pick up the winter's debris. If you need help with your lot,  call Bob Thompson, Park Manager, at 705-261-1959 and help will be supplied.
Lunch will be served. See you there!

Friday, April 27, 2018

General Meeting, Sunday, 6th. May 2018

The Spring meeting will be convened at 2pm. Sunday 6th. May at St. Peter's Anglican Church at Hillside & Roman. Coffee and snacks will be provided.

The agenda: 
- Minutes of the October 2017 Meeting
- Financial review of 2017
- General business from 2017
- Elections for 2018 Board

As this is the time when you are required to renew your membership, please come early as this must be completed before the meeting starts.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Spring Meeting & Elections

Hello and welcome to Spring in our town. More snow anyone? Don't worry, your flowers are under there somewhere!

Our first meeting of the year will be held at St. Peter's Anglican at 2pm. on Sunday 6th. May.

Please come early as this is when you renew your membership and we also have to hold elections for the new Board.

An agenda for the meeting will be published once the Board has had it's first meeting later this month.