Sunday, September 4, 2016


The QLSP Fall General Meeting, will be held on Sunday, October16th at 2pm in the basement of St. Peter's Anglican Church  on Roman Ave.
Elections will be held for all Board members:
President, Vice Pres, Treasurer, Secretary, Park Manager, Park Maintenance, Social Director.
Anyone wishing to run for these positions, please familiarize yourself with the responsibilities as outlined in the By Laws. You may submit your name to Anne Fuglsang at 705 847 0051 before the meeting.

If you have any concerns or changes to the By Laws, please submit in writing to R. Fraser,  at 76 Farrell Cres., P5A3M9 , e mail, or call 705 578.2289 for further information at least one week prior to Oct. 16th so it can be added to the Agenda.

Ranny Fraser, President: