Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Park clean-up

The Park clean-up will start at 10am. on Saturday, 26th. October,  
If you have a trailer, we could use it to remove leaves etc. 
Bring your own rake, although we have some at the Park.
If you need help cleaning your lot call a Board Member and we'll be there.
Lunch will be provided.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Agenda for General Meeting 20 Oct. 2019


St. Peter's Church  20th. October, 2019 

  • Board Member reports
  • General business
  • New Board elections

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Minutes of May 4th. General Meeting.

Minutes of Quirke Lake Seniors Park
GENERAL MEETING, Saturday May 04 2019 6:30 pm
St Peters Anglican Church - Basement
President Phill Barnes
Vice President Gwynne Corbin
Treasurer Shauna Caron
Secretary Jacquie Horton
Park Manager Bob Thompson
Maintenance Manager Carl Corbin
Social Director Nancy Phipps
Honorary Board Member (non-voting) Jack Carroll (absent)
Current Members and Potential New Members

Phill called meeting to order welcoming everyone, including new members and requesting a minute of silence for members, Diane Fields and John Tanner. who have passed away during the year.He also advised everyone that Jack Carroll’s surgical procedure was successfull and that he is recuperating well.

Minutes of the previous General Meeting on October 14 2018 had been posted on the Blog and Phill called for a motion a that they be approved, as written. Moved by Jackie Kados, and Seconded by Bob Thompson. All in favour.

Park Overview – Phill advised that the Park Lease had been renewed by Rio Algom until November 2020.

General Discussion re extending the next Board’s term in Office to two years. – It had been suggested previously, and discussed at Board meetings, but was deferred to the General Meeting for discussion by members. Most thought it a good idea. Suggestions were discussed, and deferred, until the election at Fall meeting when a plan will be devised and put to a membership vote.. Possibly staggered terms only 3 alternating Board positions would be up for election each year, thereafter... i.e.. Each Board would have 3 Members for one year and 3 members for two years This would ensure continuity and provide 3 experienced members on each new Board.

Guests/Family/visitors, or on temporary camp sites, must be monitored at all times, re By-Laws.

Gas Pumps needed for Water Tanks...also 1 1/4 inch hoses

Boats, canoes and docks in schedule – Gwynne Corbin stated that since the water is so high, docks would not be put in until the first week in June.

Also in order to keep costs down donations are welcome for items needed around the park and for special events: i.e. tanks of propane coffee and other kitchen supplies, as well as toilet tissue, kitchen towels cleaning rags, paint, $$$ to cover other expenditures. etc....Lists will be posted in various areas so volunteers can donate items, and also for members (who are able) to add their names to commit to various jobs/chores they will do around the camp to help complete their volunteer hours per the By-Laws.

Financial Review – Shauna Caron, Treasurer - 
· We have approximately 85 members, which will change depending on update from today’s dues paid
· We currently have a wait list for 12 lots and 6 on the waiting to move list.
· We ended 2018 with $794.36, which does not include the contingency fund.
· Our total revenue to date is $439.74, which does not include today’s memberships. Funds in trust are $11,000.
· Our expenses so far for 2019 are $754.58, which includes: an advance for Functions of $500, Park Maintenance of $100 for a wood splitter, Office Expenses $154.58. We have amounts pending of $100 for hall rental and $70 for the 2018 audit.
Motion to Accept Treasurer’s Report made by Margaret Grimes, and seconded Gord Caron. All in Favour.
Discussion on limiting membership – cannot set a limit as membership is open to residents of Elliot Lake per Tennants agreement with Rio Algom. Possible wait list for day members.

Bob Thompson, Park Manager
Bob will keep the new log Splitter at his place for safe keeping.
Four new Canopies have been purchased at an excellent price $125 each (including frames) ... and will be installed in the outdoor eating areas.
Bob has 8-10 Stacking tables 3ft x 3ft. Free to any members who would find one useful.

Carl Corbin – Mainenance Manager - 
Volunteers Needed: to help rebuild swim platform, one dock needs repairs, Shed and BBQ Lean-to need roofs....etc.

Nancy Phipps – Functions Social Director – Events: July, August, September.
Nancy and Dennis away June 19 until after Labour Day....may have to do only pot luck for events. Call for volunteers, temporarily handling functions.
Food costs are higher: so Guests at functions may have to be limited to 2, Maybe issue tickets for events to control numbers.

General Business - Park cleanup May 25 at 10:00 a.m.

Gate now unlocked, roadways solid

All Stored items must be removed.

Motion to Close Meeting – Andy Kados.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Board Elections Oct. 20, 2019

To all Members of the Quirke Lake Seniors Park

Once again, it is elections time and the Nominations Committee will be calling all members for candidates to fill the 7 Board positions at the upcoming Annual General Meeting, to be held at St Peters Anglican Church on Sunday, Oct 20th at 2:30 pm 

Please consider the best person for the following positions: President, Vice Pres, Treasurer, Secretary, Social Convener, Park Manager and Park Maintenance.

Our lease with Rio Algom requires our adherence to certain specific guidelines, therefore, each member elected must be:
 1) familiar with and willing to uphold the Bylaws and Constitution of QLSP
 2) capable of fulfilling the duties of that position as outlined in the Bylaws
 3)willing to attend all meetings as required by the Board

PLEASE NOTE: Each member of QLSP is responsible for updating the Board of changes of address and phone/emails. This information is used extensively by the various committees to update and inform the members of Park functions/meetings/activities, etc.


 The Nominations Committee: Marilyn Fraser, Nadine McPherson, Audrey Boler

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Future Dates

Some future dates to put on your calendar.

- General meeting and elections. Sunday, October 20th., 2.30pm. at    St. Peter's Anglican Church.

- Park Clean-up, 10.00am. Saturday, October 26th. Lunch supplied.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Labour Day weekend corn roast

The annual Labour Day corn roast will be held at the clubhouse 4.30pm. Sunday, 1st. September. If rained out it will be held on the following day, Monday, 2nd. September.
All Members are welcome and may bring only Out of Town guests at $5 each.
The Club will supply corn, hot dogs or sausage etc. 
Our Callers will be calling you and asking for the guests numbers and you will be asked to bring a pot-luck dish also. This list, as assigned, will be posted in the clubhouse. 
If you do not receive a call and are coming to the corn roast, please call Wendy 705-5782092 or Gwen 705-2082699 with that information.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

August Park Function date change, by-laws etc.

Due to other activities in the area on the August 3rd. to 5th. long weekend in  the Board has decided instead to schedule a pot-luck at 4.30pm. on Saturday, August 10th.
You will be called on this, mainly to get the numbers for seating, but it will be as pot-lucks were in the past. You can bring whatever dish you like. Guests will be welcome, but ensure they bring a pot-luck dish also.
Don't forget your dishes and cutlery. Coffee and tea will be provided.

A note re new member applications.
The application for Park Membership must come from a Board Member, and the applicant must have received and read our by-laws and be ready to abide by them. Have new members 'phone a Board Member for the application.

Our emergency 'phone is now a simple cell 'phone. It was
previously a radio 'phone. That went back to when we had no reception at the Park and cost us about $300 per year. As you know, we now have good cell reception at the Park.
We need a volunteer to take the radio 'phone back to the company in Sault Ste Marie. If you are headed that way and can drop it off please 'phone Shauna.   

Friday, July 19, 2019

Park Work List

I've had a couple of comments from Members recently that there are jobs around the Park that are being neglected. Remember, when you joined the Club you agreed to help with the simple maintenance tasks. The Board thanks the many Members who do help and urge others to pitch in and help us keep the Park attractive.
The list below are jobs that constantly need attention. Most are on-going maintenance type jobs. The list will be posted on the clubhouse door. If you take a job on, please initial and date the job list so we can move on to something else. Thanks, Phill
                                                                                                                      Done by           Date

  • Cutting grass around Park Entrance and washrooms.........................................................          
  • Cutting grass around the washrooms .................................................................................
  • Grass Cutting/Weed Removal from Beach/Dock Areas.....................................................
  • Rake High Water Line on Beach.........................................................................................
  • Clean Out Fire Pit................................................................................................................
  • Restack Fire Pit Wood.........................................................................................................
  • Clean Up Butts/paper/etc. from Park Entrance/Roadways..................................................
  • Remove Weeds from Cement Pad.......................................................................................
  • Sweep Cement Pad prior/after Events.................................................................................
  • Wipe Down Cement Pad Tables prior/after Events.............................................................
  • Check and Remove Garbage from Club House...................................................................
  • Wipe Down Club House Tables/chairs prior/after Events...................................................
  • Sweep Club House Floors/Shelves prior/after Events.........................................................
  • Clean BBQ after personal use..............................................................................................
  • Clean BBQ prior/after Events..............................................................................................
  • Sweep/Wipe Down Washrooms...........................................................................................
  • Fill in Park Roadway Ruts with Gravel...............................................................................
  • Assist Maintenance Manger with Building/Repair Projects................................................
  • Assist Park Manager with required Projects........................................................................
  • Assist Social Convenor with Events....................................................................................

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Swim Dock

Carl has done a great job with the new/renovated swim dock and it is now ready to be launched, just as Summer is here and the water is warm.

He needs at least 6 people for the launch, it has to be carried to the water,  and if you are available, please come out to the Park at 10am on Saturday,  13th. July and we'll get it done.

Give Carl a call at 1-705-2619299 if you are available, or just turn up.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Canada Day 2019

Canada Day at the Park for Monday, July 1st. 2019

Arrangements are in place for our annual Canada Day Celebration at the Park for Monday, July 1st., 2019. We are looking forward to seeing you after this very snowy winter!
The event will start at 4.30 pm. with Ice Breakers, a Toast to Canada and Greetings from our President.
Once the BBQ chefs have burgers and sausages rolling off the grill (around 5), we’ll say Grace and enjoy the Barbeque and Canada Day cake which are complimentary. Water bottle/punch will also be provided.
To compliment the BBQ items, you will be contacted by our wonderful telephone committee and asked to bring a Salad: pasta, bean, potato, coleslaw, lettuce, jello or a Fruit/Veggie/Diabetic dessert option. Condiments will be supplied.
Your guests are welcome, there is a charge of $5 for each guest, but as space is limited, please restrict this to 2 and ensure that you bring a second potluck dish. If you have visiting family, grand children etc, they will be welcome, but please be reasonable with the number. We are not trying to save money on the function but only have limited space. Make sure Audrey is informed of the extra attendees. The $5 charge will be applied also.
Don't forget your dishes and cutlery. Indicate attendance numbers to your telephone committee member when she calls, and let Audrey Boler know of any last minute changes by text or telephone right up to July 1st at 705 499 7900 or email her at
Note from the Park Committee: We are watching the weather and you will be informed of any changes in the arrangements if they become necessary.
Your Board

Friday, May 31, 2019

Fire Safety

Spring clean-up was accomplished in record time with about 35 Members coming out to help. A little wet at first, but the showers left and a mist came down and covered the lake. Thanks to all for the work and also for the excellent lunch, home-made soups and lots of sandwiches and goodies. 

Now that we will be inhabiting the Park for the remaining spring and Summer, it is time to think about fire safety.

If you are a lot holder, it is your responsibility to ensure that any fire on your lot is confined in a proper fire pit and a reasonable size. Think of your neighbour with regard to where the smoke is heading.
Never leave a fire unattended, make sure you are there at all times to attend to the fire. Do not light it and then wander off on a hike or even a walk around the Park.
Make sure it is well soaked and completely out if you are leaving the Park, retiring for the night, going to the barbecue, going out in your boat or any other pursuit that will leave it unattended.

If you have a fire on the beach, confine it to the fire pit and follow all the rules above with regard to its care.

Remember, it is your responsibility to manage your fire properly, not only for your own safety, but also the safety of those around you.  

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Spring Clean-up

Spring clean-up is still on. The showers are supposed to end this morning.
Come out and help, lunch may be a little later, but we'll all be hungry.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Spring Clean-up

Spring Clean-up will be held on Saturday, May 25th. starting at 10.00am.
If you are a permanent lot holder, please clean your lot, preferably before hand, so all we have to do is pick up the compostable stuff. If you have a utility trailer it may be useful for taking the compostable garbage out to the field. 
The more Members that attend, the faster we will be finished, so come on out and help.
If you have received a call, you will know we are doing a partial pot-luck lunch and you may have been asked to bring sandwiches or a small dessert type item. We will also have delicious home-made soup.
The long-range weather forecast is for a beautiful warm spring day, so come out and enjoy, (as well as do some work)
If you need assistance with your lot, call one of the Board Members and we will make sure you get some help.

President - Phill Barnes, 705 8488767
Vice President - Gwynne Corbin, 705 2082699
Treasurer - Shauna Caron, 705 4801040
Park Manager - Bob Thompson, 705 2611959
Maintenance Manager - Carl Corbin, 705 2082699
Secretary - Jacqueline Horton, 704 4619358
Social Convener - Nancy Phipps, 705 5782762

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Oct. 2018 meeting minutes

Mintues of General Meeting Oct. 2018

  • Treasurers report: 86 Members. 41 Lot Holders, 45 Day Members. Year-end surplus funds should be in the area of $650.
  • V.Presidents report. Docks out successfully with help of Liam Halligan and the students.
  • Park Managers report. Dead trees removed safely. Successful clean-up done with many members in record time.
  • P:ark Maintenance report. Will need to either repair or rebuild swim platform and 1 dock next year. Some repairs and maintenance required on the club house. Will need to replace canopies.
  • Functions. Very successful functions but may have problems with increasing membership in the future.
  • Mainly cost and amount of food & seating required,
  • Election of new Board:
  • Phill Barnes- President, Gwynne Corbin- Vice-President, Bob Thompson- Park Manager, Shauna Caron - Treasurer, Carl Corbin - Park Maintenance, Jacqueline Horton - Secretary, Nancy Phipps- Functions Manager.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Dates etc.


• Welcome and moment of silence for passed members, Diane Fields and John Tanner.
Welcome new members.
Minutes of previous meeting, Oct. 14th. 2019. 
Park overview - Phill Barnes, President

• Boats, canoes and docks-in schedule - Gwyne Corbin, Vice President

• Financial review - Shauna Caron, Treasurer

• Care of Park and facilities - Bob Thompson, Park Manager

• Roads, buildings and repairs. Carl Corbin, Maintenance Manager

• Functions. Nancy Phipps

• General business

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Dates etc.

For your information, the Park general meeting date will be Saturday, 4th May at 3.00pm.  at St. Peter's Anglican Church.
This is when you renew your membership for 2019, so please arrive after 2pm. so we can do the paperwork ahead of the meeting.
Refreshments will be served. 
We have changed the times as the church has arranged a funeral that should be finished by 2pm.

The Park clean-up is scheduled for Saturday, 25 May, starting at 10am. A light lunch will be supplied, as usual.
The more the merrier, a good time to get some volunteer hours in. 

Due to the extremely heavy snow pack, the Park will be locked to prevent any vehicles entering until the roads are drier. We will let you know when vehicle entry will be permitted.


Thursday, March 7, 2019

John Tanner

It with sadness we have to tell you that John Tanner passed away this week after a long fight with lung disease.
Our sincere condolences go out to his wife, Diane Kollman and their family.
John & Diane joined the Park in 2008 and John served as President in 2015.
Despite battling the illness, John continued to enjoy the Park and they even purchased a new trailer in the last couple of years so they could enjoy some vacation time in other areas.
Memorial services will be held in Orillia.
We'll miss you John, Rest In Peace. 

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Diane Fields

Sad news to report. Unfortunately, Diane Fields,  Donnie's wife, has  passed away after a long fight with cancer. 
Diane and Donnie have  been Park Members since 2013 and despite her illness, Diane could still come out to the Park occasionally and always had a cheerful conversation.
Our condolences go out to Donnie and their family
A Celebration of Life will be held for Diane at the Gentle Shepherd Church on Ottawa Ave. at 11am. Saturday, 12th. January and you are welcome to attend.
Please call me at 705 8488767 if you plan to attend .