Tuesday, December 12, 2017


🎅  A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our members and their families!  🤶


Sunday, October 29, 2017

Fall Clean-up

Fall clean-up was successfully completed by about 40 members last Sat. 28th. Oct. We had 6 trailers being pulled around the Park with crews for each one picking up the leaves.
All was done by noon and we crowded into the pavilion for delicious chili, buns and salad and all kinds of goodies provided by Mary and her helpers. Thanks!
Thanks also to those providing trailers and ATV's, plus one truck, and to all for coming out - and - it didn't even rain!

Friday, October 13, 2017


Fall clean-up has been scheduled for 10am Saturday, 28th. October.
Please plan to attend, as the more Members that come out to help, the easier and quicker it will be completed. (Plus it's part of your agreement to help when you joined the Park.)

If you need help with your lot, call George at 705-578-2999 and let him know.

If you have a truck, trailer or ATV that can be used to move the leaves etc. please bring it.
The Club has some tools, but bring your leaf rake from home, if you have one.

Another incentive to come out - LUNCH WILL BE SERVED!

You should also receive a call from our Callers, but if you do not, and are planning to attend, please call Mary at 705-461-6165 or E Mail her at claudemary@persona.ca as she needs the numbers for lunch.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Lockie Rhiness

I'm afraid I am the bearer of more bad news today,
LOCKIE RHINESS , one of the original members of our club, has passed away peacefully at home following a long battle with serious illness.
Those who knew Lockie would also know he did indeed battle his illness to the last.
Our condolences go to his wife of many years, Louise,  and their family.
We will keep everyone posted of any funeral arrangements or public celebration of life if and when they should occur.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Fall Meeting

The Fall Meeting and elections for a new Board of Management for 2018, will be held at the basement meeting room of St. Peter's Anglican Church at 2.00pm. on Sunday, 1st. October 2017.
Please plan to attend. 
This is the first notification only, details to follow.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Campground Rock

The Coureurs de Bois hiking club will be hiking on the Panel Mine site on Saturday, 16th. September. This will include the trail over Campground Rock - the high point to the east of the Park. 
The hiking club has received permission to cross the Park property at the end of the hike.
If you are interested in joining this hike, please call Phill at 705 8488767 or turn up at 10am at the Sears parking lot.
You should bear in mind this includes a steep climb and descent. Wear hiking footwear with good tread and carry water and a light lunch.

Sad News

Please join us as we send our sympathies to Mary Gilpin and family. Mary's husband, Peter, passed away suddenly last Sunday after being rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital. We are informed that a private ceremony will be held for friends and family only.
Our thoughts are with you Mary.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Labour Day Corn Roast September 4th.

It is almost Fall and time for our annual CORN ROAST at the Park on Labour Day, Monday 4th. September starting at 5pm.

Hamburgers and sausage will also be supplied.

Unless Mary has contacted you to bring a specific item, please bring a POTLUCK DESSERT ITEM. 

Guests are also invited at a charge of $5 each. Please ensure you tell the callers or Mary how many guests you will be bringing and ensure you bring sufficient potluck dessert for them also.

Bring your own plates and cutlery.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Civic Holiday BBQ Aug. 7th.

There will be a BBQ at the Park on the Civic Holiday, Monday 7th. August  starting at 5 pm.

The Park will provide sausages and hamburgers and, unless you have been contacted by Mary to bring a specific item, please bring 


You may bring guests and there will be a $5 per person charge. Please let Mary know how many guests you are bringing.

Have fun, see you there.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Canada Day 2017

Arrangements are in full swing for the celebration of Canada Day on the revised date of July 5th. our better-late-than-never 150th. birthday,  at the Park.
Dinner will be pot-luck and will start at 5pm. Guests may be included, but please make sure you bring sufficient food for them also.

In addition to the desserts brought in for pot-luck, a cake has also been ordered from a local bakery.
Plus, we will also have entertainment following dinner.

Let's hope for good weather on the 5th. Come out and enjoy good company and delicious food as we celebrate our country's 150th birthday.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Canoe/Kayak racks

Our Park V.P. Jack Carroll, is in the process of carrying out a much-needed reorganization of our canoe/kayak racks.

This will involve not only identifying the racks, but also the position of each boat on the rack.

To accomplish this he needs each boat to be identified by its owner. So, as soon as possible, please put your name on your boat(s) in some form of weatherproof manner, i.e: place your name in a good quality zip-lock bag and attach it securely to the boat where it can be easily read.

We put a fee of $5 for each boat on the racks at the Fall meeting of 2016. If you have not yet paid this fee, please do so as soon as possible. Boats that have not had a fee paid will be temporarily removed from the racks.


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Silent Auction

There will be a silent auction of property left behind on lot 15 by Pete N.

The auction, at the lot, will start at 1pm. on Weds. 31st. May, rain date Fri. 2nd. June. All items purchased must be taken "as/is" and removed from the lot at time of sale. The proceeds will go to Pete.

The following is an incomplete list of the property:

Assorted tarps
Assorted trailer accessories
Assorted kitchen products
Bilge pump
BBQ & cover
Cutlery and dishes
Fishing tackle & box
Fire extinguisher
Folding chairs
Garden hose
Garbage can on wheels
Various deck furniture
Various storage boxes
Large lock-up storage box
Solar panel
5th wheel hitch
Various tables
Portable stove
23, Terry 5th wheel trailer

All items will be marked with a number. You will write your offer, using the number as ID, and giving your name on paper provided and place it in a receptacle provided at the lot. Highest offer on that item will be the one accepted.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Maintenance dates for May

Park maintenance dates to note, your help needed:
1- Spring clean-up. Fri. 12 May. 10 - 2. Please rake all winter debris to the edge of your lot for pick-up prior to the date above. Bring your utility trailer & ATV, if available.
2- Docks in. Thurs. 25 May. 10am. Liam will be there with the kids, but extra help is needed. Call Jack at 705 848-5827 if you can help.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Spring General Meeting Sunday, May 7. 2.30pm. St. Peter's church

Our Spring meeting will be held in the basement of St. Peter's church, Hillside & Roman, at 2.30pm. on Sunday 7th. May.

Yummy goodies and drinks will be provided.

Please come a little earlier if you are renewing your membership for 2017. Cheques are preferred, but cash is OK too!

A busy agenda has been set up, and please bring any concerns, questions etc. you may have re the Park, for discussion at the meeting.