Thursday, August 16, 2018

Board Meeting notes August 2018

Your Board met last week and had a busy agenda as usual. One thing that was decided, in the interest of transparency, we will share with the Membership what was discussed and any steps that we will take to solve issues arising in the Park.

Number 1 subject, as usual, seems to be adherence to the by-laws. Please ensure you are aware of the by-laws and remember, these were put in place when the Park was opened back in the mid 90's. They were not only for our guidance, but also requested by Rio Algom to ensure the Park would be properly managed and a tranquil place to camp as per our Mission Statement.
It is rare we have a major violation of the by-laws, but there are some common ones that are sometimes ignored i.e:
-Cutting of trees without obtaining permission from the Park Manager or a Board member.
-Dogs on the swim beach, We couldn't see a problem, incidently, if a member is carrying a small dog in that area as long as it is not allowed to run about there.
-Launching boats from the beach.

We have been in contact with David Hewitt, Property Manager forRio Algom and we have signed a renewal of our lease for the next 2 years.

We rely on Members to put time in at the Park helping with cleaning and maintenance. Please, do your bit, as written in the by-laws, to help this effort.

We will be looking for help with maintenance and repair of our buildings. Both the pavilion and toilets need repairs. We are also looking at replacing our existing lighting, particularly in the pavilion, with LED. Often the lights are left on by accidsent in the pavilion and toilets and this stresses the batteries resulting in early replacement. LED takes a lor less from the batteries, resulting in longer life and less cost.
We also need to replace a section of one of the docks that is rotting.

If you were on the Board and still have keys to the shed and toilet supplies, please return them to a Board Member as we seem to be constantly having to replace them,

There is no problem if you wish to invite guests to the Park for a social gathering, but please, if you are to use the Pavilion and/or barbecue put a notice on the door ahead of time and we will make sure the other barbeque is available for other Members,

We had discussion of other, more minor administrative items, and one that was suggested and will be brought up at a General Meeting was, should the Board be elected for a 2 year term instead of one year? It seems the positions are just being learned and a new Board is elected. For your thoughts.

Enjoy the Park, Phill