Your Club will be celebrating the Civic Holiday weekend with a lunch on Sunday, 5th. August starting at 1pm.
The Club will supply hamburgers and sausage.
Members will be asked to bring salads or desserts and these will be requested by our callers.
Bring your own service, plates, cutlery etc.
You may bring 2 guests and they will be charged $5 each. Please give the fee to Shauna.
If you have not had a call by Aug. 1st. please contact Nancy at
578-2762 and she will tell you what to bring. She will also need to know that you are attending and if you are bringing guest(s)
Following lunch, games have been arranged, so come out and have some fun. Nothing too strenuous.
At 4pm. a wine and cheese Happy Hour is planned. Cheese will be supplied, bring your own wine.