Sunday, November 22, 2020


 The Quirke Lake Seniors Park blog is up and running again!  Hoping to start updating regularly for the members to view upcoming Notices.

New Board

Irene Drouin (President)

Ranny Fraser (Vice-President)

Gwynne Corbin (Treasurer)

Christine Roberts (Secretary)

Lionel Frigault (Park Manager)

Carl Corbin (Maintenance Manager)

Clarissa Bluger (Social Convener)

Notices have already been sent out to members through email and in person for those with no email address for this off season of the campground. **See the Notice on the Pavilion**

If you have any questions, please email me and I will forward the questions to the appropriate Board Members.  No comments will be made on this site.  Notices and upcoming events will be posted.
