Sunday, June 18, 2017

Canoe/Kayak racks

Our Park V.P. Jack Carroll, is in the process of carrying out a much-needed reorganization of our canoe/kayak racks.

This will involve not only identifying the racks, but also the position of each boat on the rack.

To accomplish this he needs each boat to be identified by its owner. So, as soon as possible, please put your name on your boat(s) in some form of weatherproof manner, i.e: place your name in a good quality zip-lock bag and attach it securely to the boat where it can be easily read.

We put a fee of $5 for each boat on the racks at the Fall meeting of 2016. If you have not yet paid this fee, please do so as soon as possible. Boats that have not had a fee paid will be temporarily removed from the racks.