Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Rio Algom Lease Renewal Time

This is the renewal year for the Park lease from Rio-Algom.
There are several campsites that are getting overgrown and look unkempt.
Would all lot holders please make sure their campsites are presentable; preferrably before Canada Day on July 1st.
Your co-operation is appreciated as it is usual for a representative from Rio to make an inspection.
Lionel Frigault, Park Manager

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Potluck Canada Day, July 1st. 2016

A potluck (sorry about "potpluck" on the first edition, I was thinking chicken) will be held at Your Park starting at 5 pm. on Canada Day, Friday, 1st. July.

Please bring enough for you and others to share. It is suggested you limit your friends to 2, owing to seating space. Bring extra food for them also.

Dessert in the form of a delicious cake will be supplied, so go more lightly on that course.

Visitor parking is in the field beyond the back gate as space is limited in the park proper.

Have fun!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Work Party June 11

In spite of the short notice to the membership about the workday - BBQ/potluck, on Saturday June 11/16, approximately 25 members participated in sprucing up the park.
Things that were done included
*painting pavillion, shed, picnic tables
*removing stump from fallen tree
*sweeping concrete pad
*removing loads of debris from beach and raodways
*repairing road washouts
*cleaning out ashes from beach firepit
*removing metal framed canoe rack
*re-covering floating dock with new carpet

*doors on outhouse between lots 1 and 2 have been scraped and are ready for painting.
(this was done by Tom B)
Coffee and Timbits were provided for break 
After 'Happy Hour', many stayed for the BBQ/potluck celebration and socializing.
The Board members present, were ecstatic and thrilled that so much was accomplished in so short a time. 
Huge "THANKS" to all who volunteered their time and efforts!
Lionel Frigault, Park Manager

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Security of Site

You may have experienced a message saying the site can not be accessed due to security concerns.
This has been  handled and the site can now be accessed without concern.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Yourpark: YOUR BLOG

Yourpark: YOUR BLOG: This is a new blog designed to give you information on events that may be happening at Your Park. When an event is planned, we will send you an e mail that something is planned at Your Park. This could be a meeting, a work party, a special function, welcome to new members etc

To access Your Blog, you simply click on the web site in the message. It is usually in blue.

We would welcome any suggestions you may have to improve Your Blog. Please call your editor, Phill, with any comments....

Work Party and Potluck

A general work party is planned for 1pm. on Saturday, 11 June.

Things to be done are:

  • Painting,
  • Clean-up on the beach - fire pit etc.
  • Stump removal
  • Dismantle old canoe rack
  • Remove scrap fence
  • Remove rug from floating dock
  • Misc. clean-up 

 3pm. Coffee and snack

 5pm. Potluck BBQ
Bring your own dishes and cutlery

Get your hours in! Many hands mean less work!