Monday, October 17, 2016

Fall Clean-up

Fall clean-up will take place on Saturday, 22nd. October, starting at 10am. Please plan to clean up your lot on Saturday, or before, if you can not make it on that day.
If you have a utility trailer that you would be willing to use to haul leaves etc. over to the field, we would welcome it with open rakes!
Lunch will be served.

Saturday, October 8, 2016


An error was made in the previous notification showing the DAY of the General Meeting on 16th. October 2016.  It is on SUNDAY, not Saturday, at 2pm. October 16th., in the basement of St. Peter's Anglican church at Roman and Hillside.

See the meeting agenda below:
Please bring your set of by-laws with you to the meeting and copy this agenda if you have the hardware.




 - MINUTES OF LAST MEETING                            






  AMENDMENTS to ByLaws: October 2016                                                   


1 ) By-Law #20 under Pets; All pets in the park must be leashed or tied. A poop and scoop policy is in effect throughout the park. All pet feces must be picked up and disposed of. The pet owners are responsible for any damage their pets may cause. All dog owners are asked to discourage their pets from excessive barking or leave them at home. No pets are allowed on the beach. Those members entertaining visitors are responsible for not only the visitors but also their pets and all must follow the rules.

           This By-Law will stay the same with the addition of.. .No pets on entire beach/waterfront    area except for a dog swim area on the west side of the beach to the right of the last (W) dock. Access to this area will be by the path on west side of park, marked Walkway to Beach. Signs have been posted as of July 18, 2016.

(Docks, moorings and canoe/kayak racks.)


    1) Page 5, under B) Vice President, b) To remove ( Presides over docks and mooring committee) and replace with: To coordinate the use of docks, moorings and canoe/kayak racks.
         2) By-Law #25: to change heading Boats and Motors to read: Boats and Motors,  Canoes/Kayaks

3)By-Law # 25 b) Members intending to hold their boat mooring location (add canoe/kayak rack) from year to year must renew their request by the Annual General Meeting in the spring of the current year and submit a $5.00  boat mooring fee ' (change to fee).

    4) By-Law #25 (e): Only one boat mooring (add canoe/kayak rack) is permitted per member per season. Should it become apparent that the site is not being used, or, being used improperly, the Board reserves the right to terminate the members' privilege to continue using the location.

Proposed Amendments to By-Laws: by Ranny Fraser ( President )

1) By-Law #25 (h): Boat mooring locations are solely the location of the anchorage or a boat and its' tethering to a park owned dock, NOT the equipment. ( Remove the following sentence) A mooring may only be used by an approved lot holder, the sole consent of the Board or its representatives. and REPLACE with: “ A mooring may be used first , by a lot holder and next by a day member who has been with the Park for at least 1 year. Mooring equipment must consist of an approved sinking rope, secure anchor and the attached floating marker. Mooring equipment is not owned or maintained by the Park and is the sole responsibility of the boat owner.

Note. The following 2 proposals pertain to By-Law #25 regarding boats on a mooring.

Submitted by Irene Drouin:

Proposed Changes to the By-Law 25 (j), which currently states: Parking boats and trailers on lots will be permitted only with the approval of the Park Manager.

Change to: Parking a boat/boat trailer, while a member is temporarily away from the park or due to maintenance reasons of the mooring/repairs on a boat/or during bad weather, on a members lot will be permitted.

Storing a boat/boat trailer, or kayak/canoe during the Spring and Summer months is not permitted.

Storing a boat/boat trailer, on a members lot is permitted between September 1st and until the docks are available in the following year.

Submitted by Ranny Fraser: Change ONLY if the members feel clarification of the existing By-Law 25 (J) IS NECESSARY

 Parking a boat/boat trailer, on a members lot while a member is temporarily away from the park or due to maintenance of the mooring, repairs on a boat, during bad weather, or while the docks are out of the water, will be permitted with the approval of the Park Manager.


    C.W. Corbin

I propose that Members that are not abiding by the Park's Mission Statement relinquish their permanent lots. The Mission clearly states “ and camp with tent or trailer”. The definition of camp is --- to temporarily reside --- that is to say---eat sleep and live in tent or trailer for a considerable time. Those that do not temporarily reside in their tent or trailer during the annual camping season are not members “In good standing” and should forfeit their permanent lots and become day members. Thereby allowing those that do wish to camp to do so on a permanent site .

Amend By-Law #9(G) which currently states: Permanent lot holders. Members currently occupying a permanent lot must renew their lease at the Annual General Membership Meeting in the spring of the of the current year,

Add the following.... Should it become apparent that the site is not being used or being used improperly, the Board reserves the right to terminate the members' privilege to continue to use the site.

submitted with respect.......Gwynne Corbin


Proposed Amendments to By-Laws: October, 2016

Submitted by Irene Drouin:

By-Law (if requested changes are passed by 2/3 majority at October 16th meeting) to read as follows:

    By-Law 27) Generators:

    This is a seniors' park. Peace and quiet is our aim (see Mission Statement on Page 2) With consideration for your neighbours, the use of generators will be restricted during the daytime hours from 9am to 7pm for 2 hours of operation, twice daily. TO BE ADDED: However, for the evening after 7pm till 9am, overnight members staying at the park, can use generators for medical reasons, entertainment, eg: televisions/dvd players or heating/cooling and lighting your trailer.

By-Law 27) Generators: Submitted By Diane Kollman

I make a notice of motion that the use of a generator may be used from 9am – 9pm daily This is my reason, anyone with a medical problem and may need their generator, will feel more relaxed about staying at the park . If needed in a emergency after 9pm it can be turned on .There is always a lot of different noise of some kind in a camp ground. We are there to have fun,& relax.

I know this is a seniors park, IT IS NOT A NURSING HOME Dianne Kollman Lot # 1

Addition or amendment to Bylaws, 
submitted by Lionel Frigault

Category 33 (or where applicable)
Complaints/grievances must be signed and in writing, before being honoured and processed by the Board or Grievance Committee.

Too many complaints are verbalized and border on personal grudges, discrimination, gossip and hearsay. 
Putting them in writing and signed will assure complaints are well founded, serious and contravene an existing Bylaw.

Notes for change:

From Irene Drouin

1)To the Social Director: Relatives and friends may attend special functions for a price of $5 per person, with a maximum of 2 guests per member. The guests may be from out of town or in town. Additional seating can be brought in by members if required.

2) To the Park Manager/Treasurer/Board members: Please purchase and erect signs of NO TRESPASSING on both gates and at the beach. Please purchase and install two locks on both gates and provide members with a key and keep a list of each member that has a key. If a member leaves the park, the member must give back the key for the gates, if this is not done, the member leaving the park must pay for a new lock and keys for other members at the park.   

        1- President
        2- Vice-President
        3- Treasurer
        4- Secretary
        5- Park Manager
        6- Maintenance Manager
        7- Functions & Social convener

Motion to Adjourn


Sunday, September 4, 2016


The QLSP Fall General Meeting, will be held on Sunday, October16th at 2pm in the basement of St. Peter's Anglican Church  on Roman Ave.
Elections will be held for all Board members:
President, Vice Pres, Treasurer, Secretary, Park Manager, Park Maintenance, Social Director.
Anyone wishing to run for these positions, please familiarize yourself with the responsibilities as outlined in the By Laws. You may submit your name to Anne Fuglsang at 705 847 0051 before the meeting.

If you have any concerns or changes to the By Laws, please submit in writing to R. Fraser,  at 76 Farrell Cres., P5A3M9 , e mail, or call 705 578.2289 for further information at least one week prior to Oct. 16th so it can be added to the Agenda.

Ranny Fraser, President:   

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Labour Day Fun

The weather forecast for Labour Day Monday is looking good, so why not come out early and enjoy a game of bocci or bean-bag baseball? Volunteers will be on hand to set it up. If you have a garden game, bring it out and take on all challengers!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Labour Day Corn Roast

You will shortly be receiving a call from the volunteers re your attendance at the Labour Day corn roast on Monday 5th. September starting at 5pm. No guests allowed from in town, but if you have out of town visitors that wish to attend, there will be a $5 per person charge. Please let the callers know if you are bringing out of town guests and how many.
Bring your plates and cutlery.
If you have not received a call please call Pauline at 705-261-0780 and give her your numbers.

Sunday, July 24, 2016


The Park is sponsoring hamburgers and hotdogs for Members only on Monday, August 1st starting at 5pm.

Please bring a side dish to be shared and your plates & cutlery.

As this is a Members-only event, out-of-town guests may be invited if they happen to be visiting you at the time. Cost for them will be $5 each.

Please do not bring friends in that live in Elliot Lake as this is Members only function.

If you have not been contacted by the Calling Committee, please call either Gil 848-5827 or Pauline 261-7080 to confirm your attendance..

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Utility Trailer

The Park is looking for a good, used utility trailer. If you know of one for sale or would like to donate one, please contact Phill Barnes at 8-8767. Thank you.

The Board of QLSP

Canoe Racks

Our membership is growing and we are filling the canoe/kayak racks as quickly as we can build them. Therefore, we need to limit the spots on the rack to 1 per member. To put your name on the waiting list for a spot, please contact Blake Jeffery or Ranny Fraser.
Anyone who is not using their canoe/kayak, please take it home for storage. Thank you.

The Board of QLSP

Work Party 20 July

Our thanks to all those members who showed up for the work party on Wednesday. We got a pile of work done in a short time. This must mean we had some extraordinary workers!!!!!! 
Great job, great food and great weather!

The Board of  QLSP

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Pets on the Beach


This Bylaw will stay the same with the addition of:


The Board of QLSP
July 18/2016

Work Party plus

A work party to finish up previous tasks is planned for 1pm. on Wednesday, 20th. July. These include some painting, tree cutting and general clean-up.
Following the work party at about 3pm or so a
pot-luck hors d'oeuvres happy hour 
is planned. Plan to bring a snack that others can also enjoy, i.e. cheese and crackers, chip and dip, fruit etc.
Also bring your favourite happy hour drink, this can be alcoholic or not, and have a few laughs.
If you wish to have dinner following happy hour, please bring what ever you want to burn and have a BBQ on the patio.

Friday, July 15, 2016

New Park Manager

Following calls by the Nominating Committee and the blog announcement canvassing for the position, Orv Young was voted in by the Board and has agreed to assume the post as Park Manager effective immediately.
Orv can be reached at 705-848-8672.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


One of our Members recently suffered several stings after disturbing a wasp nest attached under a picnic table on their lot.
It is suggested you check around your lot for wasp nests as they can be attached to virtually anything on your lot and usually not where they may be readily seen.
Do not attempt to move a nest if not sure what to do. Get in touch with a Board Member or a Member that has been on the property for some time and may have disposed of nests in the past for advice.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Park Manager

Lionel Frigault has resigned as Park Manager and we are contacting all Park members to find a replacement as soon as possible.

Anne Fuglsang and the Nominating Committee are calling members not on the E Mail list and all others will receive this message viaYour Blog.

If you are interested in being considered a nominee for the position of Park Manager - the job description of which is as follows:

By-Law 5 - E, Park Manager

a) if possible, ensure that a responsible person is on duty at the Park at all times
b) appoint personnel for the care (cleaning and supply) of the washrooms and black water pit
c) ensure that the gate is kept closed
d) ensure a copy of the by-laws is available and complied with, such as, dogs barking, campsites are presentable, etc
e) coordinate spring and fall clean-up
f) ensure the Park is maintained in a safe condition by checking the need for taking down dead trees, filling unused pits and any other possible dangers to members and guests
g) maintain Park security such as dealing with unwanted interlopers in a polite, but firm way 
h) the Park Manager and/or the Board must be contacted to approve the placement of trailers on lots. Also, as some lots are not suitable for larger trailers, the Park Manager and/or the board must be contacted PRIOR to replacing a trailer currently installed on a lot to ensure it can be accommodated

please contact Anne at 705- 847-0051

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Rio Algom Lease Renewal Time

This is the renewal year for the Park lease from Rio-Algom.
There are several campsites that are getting overgrown and look unkempt.
Would all lot holders please make sure their campsites are presentable; preferrably before Canada Day on July 1st.
Your co-operation is appreciated as it is usual for a representative from Rio to make an inspection.
Lionel Frigault, Park Manager

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Potluck Canada Day, July 1st. 2016

A potluck (sorry about "potpluck" on the first edition, I was thinking chicken) will be held at Your Park starting at 5 pm. on Canada Day, Friday, 1st. July.

Please bring enough for you and others to share. It is suggested you limit your friends to 2, owing to seating space. Bring extra food for them also.

Dessert in the form of a delicious cake will be supplied, so go more lightly on that course.

Visitor parking is in the field beyond the back gate as space is limited in the park proper.

Have fun!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Work Party June 11

In spite of the short notice to the membership about the workday - BBQ/potluck, on Saturday June 11/16, approximately 25 members participated in sprucing up the park.
Things that were done included
*painting pavillion, shed, picnic tables
*removing stump from fallen tree
*sweeping concrete pad
*removing loads of debris from beach and raodways
*repairing road washouts
*cleaning out ashes from beach firepit
*removing metal framed canoe rack
*re-covering floating dock with new carpet

*doors on outhouse between lots 1 and 2 have been scraped and are ready for painting.
(this was done by Tom B)
Coffee and Timbits were provided for break 
After 'Happy Hour', many stayed for the BBQ/potluck celebration and socializing.
The Board members present, were ecstatic and thrilled that so much was accomplished in so short a time. 
Huge "THANKS" to all who volunteered their time and efforts!
Lionel Frigault, Park Manager

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Security of Site

You may have experienced a message saying the site can not be accessed due to security concerns.
This has been  handled and the site can now be accessed without concern.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Yourpark: YOUR BLOG

Yourpark: YOUR BLOG: This is a new blog designed to give you information on events that may be happening at Your Park. When an event is planned, we will send you an e mail that something is planned at Your Park. This could be a meeting, a work party, a special function, welcome to new members etc

To access Your Blog, you simply click on the web site in the message. It is usually in blue.

We would welcome any suggestions you may have to improve Your Blog. Please call your editor, Phill, with any comments....

Work Party and Potluck

A general work party is planned for 1pm. on Saturday, 11 June.

Things to be done are:

  • Painting,
  • Clean-up on the beach - fire pit etc.
  • Stump removal
  • Dismantle old canoe rack
  • Remove scrap fence
  • Remove rug from floating dock
  • Misc. clean-up 

 3pm. Coffee and snack

 5pm. Potluck BBQ
Bring your own dishes and cutlery

Get your hours in! Many hands mean less work!